Numerous attractions such as picnic areas, lakes, forest paths and lookout points of Fruška Gora provide entertainment for all nature lovers and athletes. The peaceful and welcoming places at Fruška Gora, beautiful landscapes that could have been painted by the greatest artists, a view of vast plains and vineyards on mountain slopes are a haven for those looking to find peace of mind and spirit. On the other hand, the treasury of geological, cultural and historical heritage tells tales dating from the first men to the present times. The monasteries of Fruška Gora, pillars of spirituality and culture to the people of this region hold a special place. All this and more makes Fruška Gora an alluring destination and invites travelers of all ages and interests to come and enjoy its charms. Tourism in Vojvodina and Serbia takes pride in the riches of Fruška Gora.
Sports and Relaxation

Springtime and summertime turn the popular picnicking spots and lake shores into a camper's delight. Picnic areas with well marked forest trails provide excellent conditions for a variety of sports, letting you enjoy the extensive nature. Most lakes have designated areas for bathers, and are well-known fishing spots for both professional anglers and hobbyists.

The National Park area encompasses many protected natural and cultural assets, making it fertile grounds for ecotourism. The villages of Fruška Gora have lived as one with the wildlife around them for centuries, and have the capacity to meet industry requirements There is accommodation to be found in remote areas of untouched wilderness even know, but most of them are, unfortunately, inoperable. The renewal of these objects would have significant value in further development of ecotourism, local communities, and environmental awareness of all stakeholders.
Village Tourism

The geographical location of Fruška Gora, fresh mountain air, and beautiful landscapes are highly recommended for those who want to spend their days in the countryside. The villages of Fruška Gora have great, but mostly unused potential as tourist destinations. An excellent example is Vrdnik, where you can have a pleasant family vacation complete with rustic accommodation within rural households, the "Termal" spa resort, and attractive and active content. If you are interested in visiting the villages of Fruška Gora, you will come across hospitable locals and many natural and cultural attractions.
The Wine Route

While visiting Fruška Gora, don't miss out on the acclaimed Wine Route! The history of wine making in Fruška Gora is one of the longest of the Old Continent, local wines have been served at European courts, even at the Titanic. The wine capital of Fruška Gora is known as Sremski Karlovci, but other prominent wineries are located in Banoštor, Čerević, Neštin, Erdevik, Irig, and most towns in the province of Srem. Local winemakers proudly hold the title of the best in their industry, thanks to centuries of experience and secret recipes to create this "drink of gods".
River Tourism

The natural symbiosis of Fruška Gora and the river Danube, the delta of Tisa, and the lower course of Sava is a remarkable feature of the region. The Danube, running its course along the reach of Fruška Gore, is an anthology in geographic, natural, and cultural features, and an interesting offer for river enthusiasts. You can enjoy a relaxing boat ride and a vista of beautiful towns, villages, and pristine shorelines. Numerous reefs and tiny islands, covered with the fine sand dunavac, emerge where the Danube runs slowly, and these are excellent places to go for a swim. If you are a professional angler, or just enjoy casting the line now and then, resourceful local anglers will be glad to share some advice, and let you in on some secluded area where the fish are known to bite.